Frequently Asked Questions

Note: Our Registration Information page contains answers to many questions, too.

We practice at Wills Park, Alpharetta, in the grass field near the equestrian center off of Wills Road from 6:00-7:30 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. When daylight savings time expires, we practice from 5:30-7:00 pm. Our schedule for pre-season group runs varies, so check our calendar for details.

Who are the coaches?

What are the different age groups and what is the birth date cutoff?

Does a parent need to be present at each practice and meet?

Who do we compete against?

What form of communication is used by the club to reach parents/athletes?

Are there additional expenses required by the athlete?

What running gear does my child need?

Where can I buy running shoes?

Inclement Weather Policy

Process for Changing USATF Club Affiliation

Alpha Crush Running Club

AAU Club

Charitable Organization