Registration Information

Team Mission

“To help kids get ready for competitive high school distance running while they still can, in middle school (or maybe just a little earlier)! High school distance running is challenging and takes a couple years of  training. So, to hit the ground running, as it were, you need good preparation, and importantly, know-how about the sport & racing techniques! Our hope is Alpha Crush Running Club will serve this need for youth distance runners in Alpharetta, Roswell, and surrounding cities.” 

Spring Track Registration

We have a Spring/Summer track program that begins in March (the Monday after daylight savings time begins) and ends with the USATF National Junior Olympic Track & Field Championships in July. 

Group Runs

In between sessions we host group runs that are open to the public. Your entire family and runners of all abilities are welcome; club registration is not required. There is no sign-up, no forms, no simply show up and run! These group runs give new athletes the opportunity to meet the coaches and team members and give our athletes a head start to the upcoming season. We do not hold group runs during the track or cross country sessions; instead, we focus on practice with our registered athletes.

Fall Cross Country Registration

We have a Fall cross country program that begins in August (historically, the Monday a week after Fulton County schools begin) and ends with the USATF National Junior Olympic Cross Country Championships in December. 

Our Programs/Sessions

Registration Fees

Registration fees range from approximately $125 to $247, depending on season (track or cross country) and whether you are a new or returning athlete (i.e. whether you need a uniform or not.)  The fees cover athlete club administration costs, team t-shirt, uniforms, meet entry fees, and end-of-season team party. 

USATF Membership is required, $35 (plus transaction fees)

Fees for the Track season range from $125 to $162:

Fees for the Cross Country season range from $125 to $247:

Uniforms and Uniform Sizes

For the new athletes...

This is a recap of information found elsewhere on this page and website.

About our Club

We provide track and cross country coaching to boys and girls ages 7 - 18 living in the north Fulton County cities of Alpharetta, Canton, Cumming, Johns Creek, Milton and Roswell.

Registration History

Where our athletes live

As of 5/1/2022

Since "the beginning of time", cities where our athletes reside:

Primary cities (10 or more athletes):

Other cities:

Find a Club

If you are interested in sprint/field events or a USATF club located closer to your home visit "Find a Club" at the USATF website. 

In track, we do not specifically train for sprint events (distances of 400m or less) or do any training for field events (such as long jump, high jump, etc.)  Alpha Crush athletes are welcome to participate in sprint and field events even though we do not train for those events. USATF clubs that  train for sprint and field events in the Alpharetta area:

The Atlanta Track Club Kilometer Kids program may be more appropriate for young athletes new to the sport, see:

Can we attend practice before we decide to register?

While session registration is open your athlete can attend a couple of practices to see if they like it before you make the commitment to register. No reservations, forms or documents are needed for those interested in attending a practice to learn more about our club. Once registration is closed practice is open only to registered athletes. We also have Group Runs (see details on this page) which are another way for athletes to try our club and see what we are all about.

Where we Practice

We practice at Wills Park and meet at the equestrian center parking lot just off Wills Rd (11915 Wills Road, Alpharetta, GA 30009). We practice Monday, Tuesday and Thursday of each week from 6:00-7:30 pm.  See our  schedule for more details.  Note: In the fall when we revert to standard time from daylight savings time we have to start practice earlier (between 5:15-5:30 pm) since it is dark by 6:15 pm.

About Practice

Athletes are not required to attend all practices, though it is encouraged. We do not require you to tell us in advance if you cannot attend a practice. It is not a problem if you miss the first practice. You can leave practice early or arrive late. We understand that some athletes may have scheduling conflicts during the season or that some athletes may need additional rest between practices.

A typical practice starts with 30 minutes of warm-up drills and exercises, 20-40 minutes of running, and another 10-15 minutes of exercises and stretches.   All ages practice together at the same time.  All athletes of all ages do the same workouts, though the intensity, frequency and duration will change to accommodate their ability. All athletes of all age divisions and genders workout together, at the same time and same location.


Our focus is on competitive running, which may be a challenge for beginning runners unable to run continuously for 15+ minutes, but that should not stop them from trying!  We encourage all athletes to attend the meets and compete! It is especially important for our athletes to compete in cross country meets as it takes five athletes in each age division and gender to compete as a team in cross country.  The developmental meets are perfect opportunities to compete in a friendly atmosphere. Participation in meets is encouraged, but not required.

How fast do they need to be able to run?

We welcome athletes of all abilities.  Ideally, athletes should be able to run their USATF race distance prior to the first practice, but it is not a requirement. See our results page for historical performances of athletes. Below are suggested times for various distances:

Cross country athletes:

Track athletes:

To make our best attempt to ensure the safety of our athletes, we reserve the right to limit the size of the team.

Inclement Weather Policy

The social impact a running club

Many of our athletes form lasting friendships. There is a certain camaraderie that comes from training with athletes of similar abilities, competing in meets, and cheering on your teammates.  Our club has athletes of varying ages from many area schools. As they move into high school, they enjoy seeing their former teammates at track and cross country events.

Calendar of Events

Our calendar has the current practice and meet schedule. We run a mix of middle school, developmental league and USA Track & Field (USATF) & AAU events.  See our Results page to get an idea of the meets we participate in. See the USATF / AAU youth calendar for future event planning.

We want the kids to ramp up their training to get them ready for the mileage that high school will require and we want them to run in different kinds of competitive situations. Middle school meets will expose them to the environment where a variety of schools and older kids are competing. Our developmental league meets will introduce them to their local peers at other feeder programs.  The competitive USATF & AAU meets give them the chance to compete at the state, regional, and national levels.

School Teams and Alpha Crush Running Club

Our calendar has the current practice and meet schedule. We understand that some middle school athletes participate with their school teams in addition to running with our club. It is very unlikely a high school coach would allow athletes to participate in our club during the school season. And in many cases the high schools do not want their athletes participating in summer track. There is some leeway among high schools to allow their athletes to participate in club cross country once their high school season is complete.

Alpha Crush Invitational Fall Cross Country Meet

Alpha Crush hosts a cross country meet during the Developmental part of the season. Parents will be asked to support the event by volunteering to help. We typically have over 500 athletes participate.  This meet is traditionally held in September.

Coaches / Volunteers

All coaches have completed the USATF required background check and are active USATF members. Our club is sanctioned and insured by USATF. Anyone wishing to join or support the coaching staff should email or talk to one of the existing coaches. The main requirements are a willingness to run, to follow the workouts, and to display a positive attitude with our kids.

The site also has information on the coaches, on USATF & AAU, and we’ll post announcements and team photos from each event. We will also make announcements at practice and send out a periodic newsletter via email.

Thanks again for considering our team. We look forward to seeing you soon. 

Go Crush!! 

Team Coaches and Staff

Below is the list of Meets and Other Events (group runs, team party, etc.)  See full team calendar.