Meet - Etowah hosting at Sequoyah Developmental Meet - May 4, 2024

Hosted by Etowah Youth Track Club at Sequoyah High School

See also

Information Provided by Meet Director

Entry Deadline - Tuesday, 4/30/2024, 8:00 pm

Event limits - the *real* meet entries ... be sure to review for accuracy!

It is a manual process for Coach Matthew to transfer the Meet Selections made by the parents/athletes to "meet" entries. The reports below are updated every few hours until the entry deadline.

List of Running Events

With the exception of the first running event, we cannot tell you with certainty when a particular running event will start.  The "pace" of the meet depends on the number of athletes competing, the number of heats required, and the ability of the meet hosts to keep things running quickly.  This is referred to as a "rolling start"; the next event is started when the previous event is completed.

Track event list and order of events