Meet Results - AAU Cross Country Nationals - December 7, 2019

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    • The "Improvement" column, on the report as "Improv", compares the athlete's performance to their best time, height or distance in the database.

    • For running events, negative value is an improvement over their previous best.

    • For running events, positive value is how far off the athlete was from their previous best.

    • For field events, positive value is an improvement over their previous best.

    • For field events, negative value is how far off the athlete was from their previous best.

    • A "---" means no personal best exists in the database for that athlete for that event.

Complete Results

Notable Results

  • 13th place, Emery Donner, 6 & under girls

  • 25th place, Eamon Tracy, 7 year old boys

    • 25th place, Linden Donner, 9 year old girls

  • 25th place, Grey Donner, 11 year old boys

  • 18th place, Tommy Latham, 13 year old boys

    • 10th place, Claire Shelton, 14 year old girls


    • AAU National Championship medals will be awarded to the first twenty-five (25) individual places based on year of birth for all age divisions.

    • All American patches will be presented to the top 8 individual finishers in each age division