Meet - USATF National Junior Olympic Cross Country Championships - December 9, 2023
A USATF National Youth XC Meet
E.P. “Tom” Sawyer Park, Louisville, KY
Here is the Google Maps.
Meet Information
Meet information document provided by USATF; includes course maps
Entry Counts (and, a history of entries for USATF National Junior Olympic XC)
This is a USATF-sanctioned meet.
An age-verified USATF membership and advancement from Region 4 championships is required.
See also
Meet Entry
Meet entry deadline for Alpha Crush club members, Monday, Dec 4th, 8:00 pm.
Coach Matthew takes the information provided on the Alpha Crush meet entry selections page and makes the appropriate selections in, the system used for the "real" meet entries.
All athletes must report to the clerking area at least twenty (20) minutes before scheduled Race start time to ensure proper check-in; and only competing athletes will be allowed in the check-in area. Please respect all areas that are roped off and please obey all course monitors and their direction.
Starting Boxes will be assigned randomly and will vary in each race. Clerks will be assigning boxes at the line. In the event of any changes, teams and individuals are expected to follow any directions given by the clerks or other USATF personnel.
Award Medals
Top 25 individuals
Top 3 teams
Advancement from Region to National
The top thirty (30) individuals and top five (5) teams in each age division at the Region Championship will advance to the National Championships.